Beyond Grades in Russia : Recognizing Effort and Resilience in Education

 A student studying in Russia wrote:

In Russia, the maximum score given in the exam is 5, and if someone submits a white paper without writing any answers, he is given a 2.

On my first day at Moscow University I did not know about this number system of the exam. I asked Dr. Theodore Medraev, surprised to know, what is logical for a student to get 2 without writing anything! It is correct that he gets zero.

Dr. Medraev replied, a man woke up earlier to catch the seven o'clock classes in the winter, took public transportation and reached the classroom in time; Tried to answer the questions, how to give him zero!

Who studied in his nights, bought pen-notebook-computer for studying; How can I give him zero for studying, who has made so many sacrifices in his life!

We cannot give zero to a student just because he could not write the answer. We as human beings want to pay tribute to him; He has talent, he at least tried. The result we give cannot be based only on the answers written in the answer sheet. This result is given to appreciate him and as he is human he deserves at least one mark.

I cried after hearing this; I did not understand what to say. But that day I understood the importance of people.

A zero mark demotivates students, exhausts them, makes them no longer enjoy learning.

When zero marks are written in the grade book, students are no longer interested in that subject. Tell this story to teachers; They should try to change the education system of their respective countries.


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